
We offer bespoke training sessions around childhood bereavement/loss for professionals working with young people, including schools (fees negotiable), detailing the impact of grief on the life chances of children and how to effectively support them through distressing circumstances. We are affiliated to the Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN), who are connected to the National Children’s Bureau.

We offer stress management sessions to students as part of improving their general health and wellbeing as the symptoms can be very debilitating, impacting on their academic achievements. We can deliver these sessions as part of school wellness days or events, together with short complementary therapy sessions to help young people using alternative methods than talking therapies.

We offer stress management sessions for professionals working with children e.g. Teachers, Support Staff to improve their knowledge and understanding of the short and long-term effects of stress, physically and psychologically. These courses are designed to improve self-care, reduce staff sickness and increase productivity due to staff feeling empowered and happier in the workplace.

We also provide anger management courses/sessions to students to improve their ability to manage challenging situations within their lives/school environment. These sessions enable young people to understand the causes and effects of anger, with strategies to enable emotional self-regulation and more effective approaches to managing feelings.

We provide resilience training for students based on the Thrive Approach (based on the Penn Resilience Model introduced from Pennsylvania University by Martin Seligman), which improves children’s ability to ‘bounce back’ from adverse life events. The Thrive Approach helps them to understand their needs, which are being signalled by their behaviours, whilst giving them targeted strategies and activities to being more mindful of their feelings.

We provide mindfulness based stress reduction sessions for staff and students to calm the mind, manage symptoms of stress, relieve pain and distress, and learn techniques to combat the impact of stress.